Monday, May 17, 2010

job shadowing...

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Personally I'm still undecided. I did the career thing and was a mechanical engineer. First I designed AC units for buses and then hospital feed pumps & thermometers for Johnson & Johnson. In fact I still have one of the first ear thermometer prototypes I worked on. It's huge and clunky but I can't bring myself to buy a new one when this one still works. It about 15 years old.

*insert pic *

That was followed by a family time out while I played house. After ten plus years I am outdated and obsolete in the engineering field. Back to school I went, this time for Web Designing, which is where I'm currently stuck! *yikes* I'm getting side tracked this post isn't about me.Haillie is home today job shadowing, she wants to be a digital graphic artist.

I know I'm her mom but she is amazing! Technology is a wonderful thing. Since we couldn't find anyone in our area we contacted someone online for her to question, interview and interrogate. It was a great day for her.

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